
  • Public Domain Photography posted an update 6 years, 7 months ago

    How to Find and Use Images without Copyright Violation?

    Every graphic designer, blogger or a web designer knows the importance of high-quality images for attracting the audience to a blog or a website and how essential these are for storytelling. And not every one of them creates their own photographs. To find such pictures on the internet is more than difficult. You may hire a photographer for the task of clicking extraordinary photographs, but to contact one each time you need something is hectic and time-consuming. That is why we need to find royalty free stock photos on the internet without infringing on someone’s creative property.

    There aren’t many websites that provide photographs free of charge. There are several photos that come under ‘All Rights Reserved’ category. In order to use those images for a personal or commercial errand, you would have to purchase it. Do not even think to use it otherwise, as it would be illegal and the owner would not hesitate to take any action against you. Receiving an invoice from an indignant copyright owner is something to avoid. Remember, just by giving the credit to the owner would not make it legal. There are few trusted websites that give you access to public domain images free of charge. They release their photographs under CC0 “Creative Commons Zero” license; thus, it can be modified and used for commercial purposes.

    Creative Commons Zero is a framework for copyright security that includes precise information on what permissions are available. For instance, it can tell you whether you can modify the content or you would have to use it as the owner has published it. There are tons of images that are accessible under CC0 license. You can search for these images using the right keywords under the right category. All you need to do is to save some time and money while simultaneously commercializing your work and find a website that provides free images without any copyright trespassing.

    Here’s a source that can be used by bloggers or graphic designers to find images without getting involved in copyright infringing; Public Domain Photography. It is a platform that provides tons of images free of cost and without any copyright violation under Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license.

    About Public Domain Photography

    Public Domain Photography provides free public domain images and that too without any copyright issues. There are numerous images that can be used to commercialize your website or your personal blog.

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